Shovel Point, Tettegouche State Park, Illgen City, Minnesota

About the Author

Thomas P Moyer, PhD, DABCC is a Mid-Westerner, raised in Minnesota, speaks minnesotan, grew up on the outdoor hockey rink two blocks from his home, loves the Winter, and spends quality time on the North Shore of Lake Superior, the largest fresh water lake in the world.  His favorite place, pictured above, is Shovel Point, an outcropping of Canadian Shield granite protruding into Lake Superior within the boundaries of Tettegouche State Park.  His fundamental culture is that brought to North America by Northern European immigrants; hard working, considerate, and sometimes assertive.  His family can trace his North American lineage back to the year 1650 when his ancestors came from England to Cape Code. His family moved to the Midwest (Southwestern Minnesota) in 1860.  As a youth, Thomas rarely interacted with different cultures other than Native Americans.  His preferred environment is outdoors near forest and lake.  He married his childhood sweetheart, Diane, and together they raised three sons; these men enjoy successful careers and have raised families that fill Diane and Tom with pride and joy.

Dr Thomas Moyer is a scientist trained in chemistry at the University of Minnesota, biochemistry at North Dakota State University, and clinical biochemistry at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Medicine.  His work involved creation and delivery of clinical laboratory tests designed to diagnose and monitor patients with neurologic, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, or psychiatric diseases, and organ failure requiring transplant.  During his career, he created more than 110 diagnostic tests.  These diagnostic tests are still available today to patients all over the world via Mayo Clinic Laboratories - MCL  < >.  Thomas served as Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of MCL for four years.

Thomas served his country in the US Army Infantry as an operations and intelligence specialist (11F40).  In his local community he lead clinical, environmental and business entities.  Within the enterprise of his employer Mayo Clinic-Rochester, he served as Chair of the Division of Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology, Vice Chair of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, and elected Secretary of the Officers and Councilors of the Mayo Foundation (2000-2002).  Within his profession, he was President of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry < > in 2004.  He was a Diplomate of the American Board of Clinical Chemistry (DABCC) throughout his professional career. Within his community he served as a member of and Chair of the Olmsted County Environmental Commission (1997-2002), and a member of and President of the Rochester Area Economic Development, Inc < > (1998-2002).  He was a member for 25 years and President in 1994 of the Rochester Rotary Club < >. He also was the founding Chair of and lead the Rochester Area Math Science Partnership < Facebook/Rochester Area Math Science Partnership > from 1991 to 1995. He published 108 peer reviewed scientific papers during his professional career, contributed book chapters to 35 clinical textbooks, edited two books, and made more than 130 presentations at scientific meetings around the world.

Dr. Moyer’s cultural experience broadened greatly during his 40 year tenure on the medical staff of Mayo Clinic; he enjoyed collaborating with colleagues representing virtually every culture in the world.  During their medical, residency, fellowship, or postdoctoral programs he mentored more than 25 medical trainees from Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South America, Spain, and Turkey.  He sponsored multiple people from India and Africa for US citizenship.  During his professional career he was invited to participate in teaching engagements in Singapore, Beijing, Israel, Greece, and Spain, and cancelled at the last minute an engagement in Kuwait due to war.  In retirement, he founded and facilitated a group of of Minneapolis Christians and Muslims that met weekly to learn more about each other.  Now, he enjoys offering his opinions in writings to local news media and this blog, and enjoying quality time with his grandchildren.  The following individuals were key mentors: Charlotte Moyer (Mother), Dr Allan Fischer, Dr Michael O’Sullivan, Bro Walter Kieffer, Robert Prescott, Rodney Forsman, and, the most formative, influential person in his life, Diane Prescott Moyer (Wife).  The author currently lives in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
