I was looking at an advertisement for weight loss medication based on GLP-1 cell signaling protein modification affected by the drugs liraglutide (Saxenda) and semaglutide (Wegovy, similar to Ozempic for diabetes therapy). Since I am not immediately conversant with the latest cell signaling protein nosology (i.e the term means medical name or classification), I looked up GLP-1. The thought occurred to me that the average lay person might not know how to do this, or what these terms mean. A short set of links to provide more information to those interested is provided below. Unfortunately, these terms change constantly, so I beg forgiveness when you encounter obsolete information.
Looking for a quick link to cell signaling pathway abbreviations:
Looking for more detailed description of protein function:
Basic primer - Definition of proteins (as taught in medical school in 2001); https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK26911/
Protein function - Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th Ed (2002); https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK26911/
Common cell signaling pathways (as known in 2021); https://biologydictionary.net/cell-signaling/
Hyperlinked data available in the Human Protein Atlas (updated annually); https://www.proteinatlas.org/learn/dictionary
Hyperlinked KEGG Pathway database (March 2023); https://www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway.html
Karp_University of Colorado Lecture Series - Chapter 15_ Cell Signaling and MessageTransduction- Cell Communication (date unknown); https://dosequis.colorado.edu/Courses/MCDB3145/Docs/Karp-617-660.pdf
2002 Video presented by Osmosis, an Elsevier publication (requires a temporary free account); https://www.osmosis.org/learn/Cell_signaling_pathways